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Eversign Connector

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 27 June 2023
 (0 ratings)

Eversign Connector



  1. Register for a free account on https://eversign.com/
  2. Get used to using the service (this video tutorial is useful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opAZpPh6QMI)
  3. Read about the Eversign API here: https://eversign.com/api/documentation
  4. From your Eversign.com dashboard go to the Developer menu and take note of your "API Access Key" and your "Business Id"
  5. Using the accompanying demo for this component (see screenshot) you can provide the following:
    1. API Key & Business Id
    2. Title & Base64 encoding of the file you want to be electronically signed
    3. The email of the person that needs to sign & either a PIN or an SMS number they can use to authenticate and sign the document.

The demo allows you to create a document for signature by a single contact, get a document status or cancel a document's signature workflow.