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Advanced Excel Demo

Stable version 1.0.10 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 08 July 2024
 (3 ratings)

Advanced Excel Demo


Workbook: The Excel file itself.

Worksheet: The tabs that appear at the bottom of the sheet.

Cell: Each small square of the sheet. Advanced excel also allows you to apply styles like, for example, background colors.

Range: A range of cells and rows. NOTE: A range can consist of a single cell.

Dimension: Worksheet dimension structure. It contains the following dimension attributes of the worksheet:

  • Address: Address of the cell as text.

  • Columns: Number of columns in the worksheet.

  • Rows: Number of rows in the worksheet.

  • Start: Start location as an Address.

  • End: End location as an Address.

Data Series: Data series to be used in graphs, the n-th cell of the value range will correspond to the n-th cell of the label range. It has the following attributes:

  • Name: The name of the series.

  • ValueRange: Range of cells for the values of the series.

  • LabelRange: Range of cells for the labels of the series.

Color: Represents an ARGB (alpha, red, green, blue) color. The following attributes are available:

  • IsKnownColor: Gets a value indicating whether this System.Drawing.Color structure is a predefined color. Predefined colors are represented by the elements of the System.Drawing.KnownColor enumeration.

  • IsNamedColor: Gets a value indicating whether this System.Drawing.Color structure is a named color or a member of the System.Drawing.KnownColor enumeration.

  • IsSystemColor: Gets a value indicating whether this System.Drawing.Color structure is a system color. A system color is a color that is used in a Windows display element. System colors are represented by elements of the System.Drawing.KnownColor enumeration.

  • A: Alpha.

  • R: Red.

  • G: Green.

  • B: Blue.

  • Name: The name of this System.Drawing.Color.

CellFormat: Structure to define all the formatting attributes that can apply to a cell. The following attributes are available:

  • FontName: Name of the font to use.

  • FontSize: Size of the font to use.

  • BackgroundColor: Background color in hex format.

  • AutofitColumn: True to autofit column, false to leave as is.

  • Bold: True to set the text to Bold.

  • NumberFormat: Any number format to be applied to the cell.

  • BorderStyle: 

    • None = 0,

    • Hair = 1,

    • Dotted = 2,

    • DashDot = 3,

    • Thin = 4,

    • DashDotDot = 5,

    • Dashed = 6,

    • MediumDashDotDot = 7,

    • MediumDashed = 8,

    • MediumDashDot = 9,

    • Thick = 10,

    • Medium = 11,

    • Double = 12

  • BorderColor: Color of the border in hex format

Address: The Address structure used by Excel. It contains the following attributes:

  • Address: The address as text. 

  • Row: The row index of the address.

  • Column: The column index of the address.

  • IsRef: If the address is an invalid reference (#REF!)

  1. Workbook_Create

  1. Workbook_Open

  1. Worksheet_Select

  1. Chart_Create

  1. Workbook_GetBinaryData

  1. Workbook_Close

  1. Cell_WriteRange

  1. Column_Hide_Show

  1. Column_Insert

  1. Cell_Write

  1. Worksheet_AutofitColumns

  1. Worksheet_Rename

  1. Cell_FormatRange

Below advanced methods for workbook and worksheet has been added in the demo:

  1. Comment_Add

  1. Comment_Delete

  1. Image_Insert

  1. Workbook_AddCopyWorksheet

  1. Workbook_ChangeSheetIndex

  1. Workbook_GetProperties

  1. Worksheet_AddAutoFilter

  1. Worksheet_AddDropdown

  1. Worksheet_Delete

  1. Worksheet_GetImages

  1. Worksheet_SetActive

  1. Worksheet_Protect

  1. Worksheet_GetName

Added the latest row/column and formatting methods demos:

  1. Row_SetHeight

  1. Row_insert

  1. Row_delete

  1. Column_setwidth

  1. Cell_WriteImageByName

  1. Cell_UnMerge

  1. Cell_Merge

  1. Cells_FindByValue

  1. Cell_Read

  1. Cell_SetFormulaByIndex

  1. Cell_CalculateByName

  1. Worksheet_Calculate

  1. ContainInRange

  1. ConditionalFormating_AddRule

Select Conditional Rule Type from the following:

AboveAverage = 0,

AboveOrEqualAverage = 1,

BelowAverage = 2,

BelowOrEqualAverage = 3,

AboveStdDev = 4,

BelowStdDev = 5,

Bottom = 6,

BottomPercent = 7,

Top = 8,

TopPercent = 9,

Last7Days = 10,

LastMonth = 11,

LastWeek = 12,

NextMonth = 13,

NextWeek = 14,

ThisMonth = 15,

ThisWeek = 16,

Today = 17,

Tomorrow = 18,

Yesterday = 19,

GreaterThan = 29,

GreaterThanOrEqual = 30,

LessThan = 31,

LessThanOrEqual = 32

  1. ConditionalFormating_DeleteAllRules

  1. ConditionalFormating_GetAllRules

17. Worksheet_SetHeader

18. Worksheet_GetHeader

19. Address_From_RowCol

20. Address_From_Text

21. Worksheet_CopyRows


Workbook: The Excel file itself.

Worksheet: The tabs that appear at the bottom of the sheet.

Cell: Each small square of the sheet. Advanced excel also allows you to apply styles like, for example, background colors.

Range: A range of cells and rows. NOTE: A range can consist of a single cell.

Dimension: Worksheet dimension structure. It contains the following dimension attributes of the worksheet:

  • Address: Address of the cell as text.

  • Columns: Number of columns in the worksheet.

  • Rows: Number of rows in the worksheet.

  • Start: Start location as an Address.

  • End: End location as an Address.

Data Series: Data series to be used in graphs, the n-th cell of the value range will correspond to the n-th cell of the label range. It has the following attributes:

  • Name: The name of the series.

  • ValueRange: Range of cells for the values of the series.

  • LabelRange: Range of cells for the labels of the series.

Color: Represents an ARGB (alpha, red, green, blue) color. The following attributes are available:

  • IsKnownColor: Gets a value indicating whether this System.Drawing.Color structure is a predefined color. Predefined colors are represented by the elements of the System.Drawing.KnownColor enumeration.

  • IsNamedColor: Gets a value indicating whether this System.Drawing.Color structure is a named color or a member of the System.Drawing.KnownColor enumeration.

  • IsSystemColor: Gets a value indicating whether this System.Drawing.Color structure is a system color. A system color is a color that is used in a Windows display element. System colors are represented by elements of the System.Drawing.KnownColor enumeration.

  • A: Alpha.

  • R: Red.

  • G: Green.

  • B: Blue.

  • Name: The name of this System.Drawing.Color.

CellFormat: Structure to define all the formatting attributes that can apply to a cell. The following attributes are available:

  • FontName: Name of the font to use.

  • FontSize: Size of the font to use.

  • BackgroundColor: Background color in hex format.

  • AutofitColumn: True to autofit column, false to leave as is.

  • Bold: True to set the text to Bold.

  • NumberFormat: Any number format to be applied to the cell.

  • BorderStyle: 

    • None = 0,

    • Hair = 1,

    • Dotted = 2,

    • DashDot = 3,

    • Thin = 4,

    • DashDotDot = 5,

    • Dashed = 6,

    • MediumDashDotDot = 7,

    • MediumDashed = 8,

    • MediumDashDot = 9,

    • Thick = 10,

    • Medium = 11,

    • Double = 12

  • BorderColor: Color of the border in hex format

Address: The Address structure used by Excel. It contains the following attributes:

  • Address: The address as text. 

  • Row: The row index of the address.

  • Column: The column index of the address.

  • IsRef: If the address is an invalid reference (#REF!)

  1. Workbook_Create

  1. Workbook_Open

  1. Worksheet_Select

  1. Chart_Create

  1. Workbook_GetBinaryData

  1. Workbook_Close

  1. Cell_WriteRange

  1. Column_Hide_Show

  1. Column_Insert

  1. Cell_Write

  1. Worksheet_AutofitColumns

  1. Worksheet_Rename

  1. Cell_FormatRange

Below advanced methods for workbook and worksheet has been added in the demo:

  1. Comment_Add

  1. Comment_Delete

  1. Image_Insert

  1. Workbook_AddCopyWorksheet

  1. Workbook_ChangeSheetIndex

  1. Workbook_GetProperties

  1. Worksheet_AddAutoFilter

  1. Worksheet_AddDropdown

  1. Worksheet_Delete

  1. Worksheet_GetImages

  1. Worksheet_SetActive

  1. Worksheet_Protect

  1. Worksheet_GetName

Added the latest row/column and formatting methods demos:

  1. Row_SetHeight

  1. Row_insert

  1. Row_delete

  1. Column_setwidth

  1. Cell_WriteImageByName

  1. Cell_UnMerge

  1. Cell_Merge

  1. Cells_FindByValue

  1. Cell_Read

  1. Cell_SetFormulaByIndex

  1. Cell_CalculateByName

  1. Worksheet_Calculate

  1. ContainInRange

  1. ConditionalFormating_AddRule

Select Conditional Rule Type from the following:

AboveAverage = 0,

AboveOrEqualAverage = 1,

BelowAverage = 2,

BelowOrEqualAverage = 3,

AboveStdDev = 4,

BelowStdDev = 5,

Bottom = 6,

BottomPercent = 7,

Top = 8,

TopPercent = 9,

Last7Days = 10,

LastMonth = 11,

LastWeek = 12,

NextMonth = 13,

NextWeek = 14,

ThisMonth = 15,

ThisWeek = 16,

Today = 17,

Tomorrow = 18,

Yesterday = 19,

GreaterThan = 29,

GreaterThanOrEqual = 30,

LessThan = 31,

LessThanOrEqual = 32

  1. ConditionalFormating_DeleteAllRules

  1. ConditionalFormating_GetAllRules

17. Worksheet_SetHeader

18. Worksheet_GetHeader


Workbook: The Excel file itself.

Worksheet: The tabs that appear at the bottom of the sheet.

Cell: Each small square of the sheet. Advanced excel also allows you to apply styles like, for example, background colors.

Range: A range of cells and rows. NOTE: A range can consist of a single cell.

Dimension: Worksheet dimension structure. It contains the following dimension attributes of the worksheet:

  • Address: Address of the cell as text.

  • Columns: Number of columns in the worksheet.

  • Rows: Number of rows in the worksheet.

  • Start: Start location as an Address.

  • End: End location as an Address.

Data Series: Data series to be used in graphs, the n-th cell of the value range will correspond to the n-th cell of the label range. It has the following attributes:

  • Name: The name of the series.

  • ValueRange: Range of cells for the values of the series.

  • LabelRange: Range of cells for the labels of the series.

Color: Represents an ARGB (alpha, red, green, blue) color. The following attributes are available:

  • IsKnownColor: Gets a value indicating whether this System.Drawing.Color structure is a predefined color. Predefined colors are represented by the elements of the System.Drawing.KnownColor enumeration.

  • IsNamedColor: Gets a value indicating whether this System.Drawing.Color structure is a named color or a member of the System.Drawing.KnownColor enumeration.

  • IsSystemColor: Gets a value indicating whether this System.Drawing.Color structure is a system color. A system color is a color that is used in a Windows display element. System colors are represented by elements of the System.Drawing.KnownColor enumeration.

  • A: Alpha.

  • R: Red.

  • G: Green.

  • B: Blue.

  • Name: The name of this System.Drawing.Color.

CellFormat: Structure to define all the formatting attributes that can apply to a cell. The following attributes are available:

  • FontName: Name of the font to use.

  • FontSize: Size of the font to use.

  • BackgroundColor: Background color in hex format.

  • AutofitColumn: True to autofit column, false to leave as is.

  • Bold: True to set the text to Bold.

  • NumberFormat: Any number format to be applied to the cell.

  • BorderStyle: 

    • None = 0,

    • Hair = 1,

    • Dotted = 2,

    • DashDot = 3,

    • Thin = 4,

    • DashDotDot = 5,

    • Dashed = 6,

    • MediumDashDotDot = 7,

    • MediumDashed = 8,

    • MediumDashDot = 9,

    • Thick = 10,

    • Medium = 11,

    • Double = 12

  • BorderColor: Color of the border in hex format

Address: The Address structure used by Excel. It contains the following attributes:

  • Address: The address as text. 

  • Row: The row index of the address.

  • Column: The column index of the address.

  • IsRef: If the address is an invalid reference (#REF!)

  1. Workbook_Create

  1. Workbook_Open

  1. Worksheet_Select

  1. Chart_Create

  1. Workbook_GetBinaryData

  1. Workbook_Close

  1. Cell_WriteRange

  1. Column_Hide_Show

  1. Column_Insert

  1. Cell_Write

  1. Worksheet_AutofitColumns

  1. Worksheet_Rename

  1. Cell_FormatRange

Below advanced methods for workbook and worksheet has been added in the demo:

  1. Comment_Add

  1. Comment_Delete

  1. Image_Insert

  1. Workbook_AddCopyWorksheet

  1. Workbook_ChangeSheetIndex

  1. Workbook_GetProperties

  1. Worksheet_AddAutoFilter

  1. Worksheet_AddDropdown

  1. Worksheet_Delete

  1. Worksheet_GetImages

  1. Worksheet_SetActive

  1. Worksheet_Protect

  1. Worksheet_GetName

Added the latest row/column and formatting methods demos:

  1. Row_SetHeight

  1. Row_insert

  1. Row_delete

  1. Column_setwidth

  1. Cell_WriteImageByName

  1. Cell_UnMerge

  1. Cell_Merge

  1. Cells_FindByValue

  1. Cell_Read

  1. Cell_SetFormulaByIndex

  1. Cell_CalculateByName

  1. Worksheet_Calculate

  1. ContainInRange

  1. ConditionalFormating_AddRule

Select Conditional Rule Type from the following:

AboveAverage = 0,

AboveOrEqualAverage = 1,

BelowAverage = 2,

BelowOrEqualAverage = 3,

AboveStdDev = 4,

BelowStdDev = 5,

Bottom = 6,

BottomPercent = 7,

Top = 8,

TopPercent = 9,

Last7Days = 10,

LastMonth = 11,

LastWeek = 12,

NextMonth = 13,

NextWeek = 14,

ThisMonth = 15,

ThisWeek = 16,

Today = 17,

Tomorrow = 18,

Yesterday = 19,

GreaterThan = 29,

GreaterThanOrEqual = 30,

LessThan = 31,

LessThanOrEqual = 32

  1. ConditionalFormating_DeleteAllRules

  1. ConditionalFormating_GetAllRules

17. Worksheet_SetHeader

18. Worksheet_GetHeader


Workbook: The Excel file itself.

Worksheet: The tabs that appear at the bottom of the sheet.

Cell: Each small square of the sheet. Advanced excel also allows you to apply styles like, for example, background colors.

Range: A range of cells and rows. NOTE: A range can consist of a single cell.

Dimension: Worksheet dimension structure. It contains the following dimension attributes of the worksheet:

  • Address: Address of the cell as text.

  • Columns: Number of columns in the worksheet.

  • Rows: Number of rows in the worksheet.

  • Start: Start location as an Address.

  • End: End location as an Address.

Data Series: Data series to be used in graphs, the n-th cell of the value range will correspond to the n-th cell of the label range. It has the following attributes:

  • Name: The name of the series.

  • ValueRange: Range of cells for the values of the series.

  • LabelRange: Range of cells for the labels of the series.

Color: Represents an ARGB (alpha, red, green, blue) color. The following attributes are available:

  • IsKnownColor: Gets a value indicating whether this System.Drawing.Color structure is a predefined color. Predefined colors are represented by the elements of the System.Drawing.KnownColor enumeration.

  • IsNamedColor: Gets a value indicating whether this System.Drawing.Color structure is a named color or a member of the System.Drawing.KnownColor enumeration.

  • IsSystemColor: Gets a value indicating whether this System.Drawing.Color structure is a system color. A system color is a color that is used in a Windows display element. System colors are represented by elements of the System.Drawing.KnownColor enumeration.

  • A: Alpha.

  • R: Red.

  • G: Green.

  • B: Blue.

  • Name: The name of this System.Drawing.Color.

CellFormat: Structure to define all the formatting attributes that can apply to a cell. The following attributes are available:

  • FontName: Name of the font to use.

  • FontSize: Size of the font to use.

  • BackgroundColor: Background color in hex format.

  • AutofitColumn: True to autofit column, false to leave as is.

  • Bold: True to set the text to Bold.

  • NumberFormat: Any number format to be applied to the cell.

  • BorderStyle: 

    • None = 0,

    • Hair = 1,

    • Dotted = 2,

    • DashDot = 3,

    • Thin = 4,

    • DashDotDot = 5,

    • Dashed = 6,

    • MediumDashDotDot = 7,

    • MediumDashed = 8,

    • MediumDashDot = 9,

    • Thick = 10,

    • Medium = 11,

    • Double = 12

  • BorderColor: Color of the border in hex format

Address: The Address structure used by Excel. It contains the following attributes:

  • Address: The address as text. 

  • Row: The row index of the address.

  • Column: The column index of the address.

  • IsRef: If the address is an invalid reference (#REF!)

  1. Workbook_Create

  1. Workbook_Open

  1. Worksheet_Select

  1. Chart_Create

  1. Workbook_GetBinaryData

  1. Workbook_Close

  1. Cell_WriteRange

  1. Column_Hide_Show

  1. Column_Insert

  1. Cell_Write

  1. Worksheet_AutofitColumns

  1. Worksheet_Rename

  1. Cell_FormatRange

Below advanced methods for workbook and worksheet has been added in the demo:

  1. Comment_Add

  1. Comment_Delete

  1. Image_Insert

  1. Workbook_AddCopyWorksheet

  1. Workbook_ChangeSheetIndex

  1. Workbook_GetProperties

  1. Worksheet_AddAutoFilter

  1. Worksheet_AddDropdown

  1. Worksheet_Delete

  1. Worksheet_GetImages

  1. Worksheet_SetActive

  1. Worksheet_Protect

  1. Worksheet_GetName

Added the latest row/column and formatting methods demos:

  1. Row_SetHeight

  1. Row_insert

  1. Row_delete

  1. Column_setwidth

  1. Cell_WriteImageByName

  1. Cell_UnMerge

  1. Cell_Merge

  1. Cells_FindByValue

  1. Cell_Read

  1. Cell_SetFormulaByIndex

  1. Cell_CalculateByName

  1. Worksheet_Calculate

  1. ContainInRange

  1. ConditionalFormating_AddRule

Select Conditional Rule Type from the following:

AboveAverage = 0,

AboveOrEqualAverage = 1,

BelowAverage = 2,

BelowOrEqualAverage = 3,

AboveStdDev = 4,

BelowStdDev = 5,

Bottom = 6,

BottomPercent = 7,

Top = 8,

TopPercent = 9,

Last7Days = 10,

LastMonth = 11,

LastWeek = 12,

NextMonth = 13,

NextWeek = 14,

ThisMonth = 15,

ThisWeek = 16,

Today = 17,

Tomorrow = 18,

Yesterday = 19,

GreaterThan = 29,

GreaterThanOrEqual = 30,

LessThan = 31,

LessThanOrEqual = 32

  1. ConditionalFormating_DeleteAllRules

  1. ConditionalFormating_GetAllRules


Workbook: The Excel file itself.

Worksheet: The tabs that appear at the bottom of the sheet.

Cell: Each small square of the sheet. Advanced excel also allows you to apply styles like, for example, background colors.

Range: A range of cells and rows. NOTE: A range can consist of a single cell.

Dimension: Worksheet dimension structure. It contains the following dimension attributes of the worksheet:

  • Address: Address of the cell as text.

  • Columns: Number of columns in the worksheet.

  • Rows: Number of rows in the worksheet.

  • Start: Start location as an Address.

  • End: End location as an Address.

Data Series: Data series to be used in graphs, the n-th cell of the value range will correspond to the n-th cell of the label range. It has the following attributes:

  • Name: The name of the series.

  • ValueRange: Range of cells for the values of the series.

  • LabelRange: Range of cells for the labels of the series.

Color: Represents an ARGB (alpha, red, green, blue) color. The following attributes are available:

  • IsKnownColor: Gets a value indicating whether this System.Drawing.Color structure is a predefined color. Predefined colors are represented by the elements of the System.Drawing.KnownColor enumeration.

  • IsNamedColor: Gets a value indicating whether this System.Drawing.Color structure is a named color or a member of the System.Drawing.KnownColor enumeration.

  • IsSystemColor: Gets a value indicating whether this System.Drawing.Color structure is a system color. A system color is a color that is used in a Windows display element. System colors are represented by elements of the System.Drawing.KnownColor enumeration.

  • A: Alpha.

  • R: Red.

  • G: Green.

  • B: Blue.

  • Name: The name of this System.Drawing.Color.

CellFormat: Structure to define all the formatting attributes that can apply to a cell. The following attributes are available:

  • FontName: Name of the font to use.

  • FontSize: Size of the font to use.

  • BackgroundColor: Background color in hex format.

  • AutofitColumn: True to autofit column, false to leave as is.

  • Bold: True to set the text to Bold.

  • NumberFormat: Any number format to be applied to the cell.

  • BorderStyle: 

    • None = 0,

    • Hair = 1,

    • Dotted = 2,

    • DashDot = 3,

    • Thin = 4,

    • DashDotDot = 5,

    • Dashed = 6,

    • MediumDashDotDot = 7,

    • MediumDashed = 8,

    • MediumDashDot = 9,

    • Thick = 10,

    • Medium = 11,

    • Double = 12

  • BorderColor: Color of the border in hex format

Address: The Address structure used by Excel. It contains the following attributes:

  • Address: The address as text. 

  • Row: The row index of the address.

  • Column: The column index of the address.

  • IsRef: If the address is an invalid reference (#REF!)

  1. Workbook_Create

  1. Workbook_Open

  1. Worksheet_Select

  1. Chart_Create

  1. Workbook_GetBinaryData

  1. Workbook_Close

  1. Cell_WriteRange

  1. Column_Hide_Show

  1. Column_Insert

  1. Cell_Write

  1. Worksheet_AutofitColumns

  1. Worksheet_Rename

  1. Cell_FormatRange

Below advanced methods for workbook and worksheet has been added in the demo:

  1. Comment_Add

  1. Comment_Delete

  1. Image_Insert

  1. Workbook_AddCopyWorksheet

  1. Workbook_ChangeSheetIndex

  1. Workbook_GetProperties

  1. Worksheet_AddAutoFilter

  1. Worksheet_AddDropdown

  1. Worksheet_Delete

  1. Worksheet_GetImages

  1. Worksheet_SetActive

  1. Worksheet_Protect

  1. Worksheet_GetName


Workbook: The Excel file itself.

Worksheet: The tabs that appear at the bottom of the sheet.

Cell: Each small square of the sheet. Advanced excel also allows you to apply styles like, for example, background colors.

Range: A range of cells and rows. NOTE: A range can consist of a single cell.

Dimension: Worksheet dimension structure. It contains the following dimension attributes of the worksheet:

  • Address: Address of the cell as text.

  • Columns: Number of columns in the worksheet.

  • Rows: Number of rows in the worksheet.

  • Start: Start location as an Address.

  • End: End location as an Address.

Data Series: Data series to be used in graphs, the n-th cell of the value range will correspond to the n-th cell of the label range. It has the following attributes:

  • Name: The name of the series.

  • ValueRange: Range of cells for the values of the series.

  • LabelRange: Range of cells for the labels of the series.

Color: Represents an ARGB (alpha, red, green, blue) color. The following attributes are available:

  • IsKnownColor: Gets a value indicating whether this System.Drawing.Color structure is a predefined color. Predefined colors are represented by the elements of the System.Drawing.KnownColor enumeration.

  • IsNamedColor: Gets a value indicating whether this System.Drawing.Color structure is a named color or a member of the System.Drawing.KnownColor enumeration.

  • IsSystemColor: Gets a value indicating whether this System.Drawing.Color structure is a system color. A system color is a color that is used in a Windows display element. System colors are represented by elements of the System.Drawing.KnownColor enumeration.

  • A: Alpha.

  • R: Red.

  • G: Green.

  • B: Blue.

  • Name: The name of this System.Drawing.Color.

CellFormat: Structure to define all the formatting attributes that can apply to a cell. The following attributes are available:

  • FontName: Name of the font to use.

  • FontSize: Size of the font to use.

  • BackgroundColor: Background color in hex format.

  • AutofitColumn: True to autofit column, false to leave as is.

  • Bold: True to set the text to Bold.

  • NumberFormat: Any number format to be applied to the cell.

  • BorderStyle: 

    • None = 0,

    • Hair = 1,

    • Dotted = 2,

    • DashDot = 3,

    • Thin = 4,

    • DashDotDot = 5,

    • Dashed = 6,

    • MediumDashDotDot = 7,

    • MediumDashed = 8,

    • MediumDashDot = 9,

    • Thick = 10,

    • Medium = 11,

    • Double = 12

  • BorderColor: Color of the border in hex format

Address: The Address structure used by Excel. It contains the following attributes:

  • Address: The address as text. 

  • Row: The row index of the address.

  • Column: The column index of the address.

  • IsRef: If the address is an invalid reference (#REF!)

  1. Workbook_Create

  1. Workbook_Open

  1. Worksheet_Select

  1. Chart_Create

  1. Workbook_GetBinaryData

  1. Workbook_Close

  1. Cell_WriteRange

  1. Column_Hide_Show

  1. Column_Insert

  1. Cell_Write

  1. Worksheet_AutofitColumns

  1. Worksheet_Rename

  1. Cell_FormatRange