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Week Picker

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 02 June 2023 by 
 (1 rating)

Week Picker


Week picker create an input fields allowing easy entry of a year plus the ISO 8601 week number during that year (i.e., week 1 to 52 or 53).

Just take dependency of WeekPicker web block then it'll create an input field of type week.

It have 5 input parameters - 

1. InputWeek :

                Fromat - "W01"

                Give the week number from 1 to 52/53, it'll be show as default value.

                Default value is - W01 

2. InputYear : 

                Fromat - 2023

                Give the Year it'll be determine which years week you want to show as default value.

                Default value is - Current Year 

3. MinWeek :

                Format - "2023-W01"

                The earliest year and week to accept, This value must be less than or equal to the value of the max attribute

4. MaxWeek :

                Format - "2023-W52"

                The latest (time-wise) year and week number, This value must be greater than or equal to the year and week specified by the min attribute.

5. Step :

              The step attribute is a number that specifies the granularity that the value must adhere to, or the special value any, which is described below. Only values which are equal to the basis for stepping (min if specified, value otherwise, and an appropriate default value if neither of those is provided) are valid. 

1. OnWeekSelected Event :

              This event will trigger after week selection, it'll give you 3 outputs - 

              1. SelectedWeek

                          It'll give Selected week value.

                          Format - W01

              2. SelectedYear

                          It'll give Selected week year value.

                          Format - 2023

              3. SelectedWeekAndYear

                          It'll give Selected week and year value together.

                          Format - "2023-W21"