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File Converter

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 01 June 2023
 (0 ratings)

File Converter


File Converter

Description: component will help you in converting your file extensions and downloading them. The forge component can perform 30 conversions as follows:

Pdf to jpg, Pptx to jpg, Csv to jpg, Docx to jpg, Xls to jpg, Doc to jpg, Png to jpg, Txt to jpg, Pdf to Txt, Doc to Txt, Docx to Txt, Pdf to Png, Svg to Png, Jpg to Png, Docx to jpg, Xls to Png, Doc to Png, Pptx to Png, Txt to Png, Pptx to Pdf, Svg to Pdf, Docx to Pdf, Xls to Pdf, Doc toPdf, Png to Pdf, Txt to Pdf, Jpg to Pdf, Xls to Csv, Doc to Docx, Docx to doc.

How to use: Add file converter dependency with web block, server action and structures in your required module. Web block will ask for three input parameters

  • File Name {Text}
  • File {Binary}
  • Secret key

File name and file are inputs given to upload widget. Provide your file name and file type to these input parameters.


How to create your secret key:


Step 1: Sign up yourself

Step 2: Go to Authentication > API Secret

Step 3: Copy API secret key and provide it to input parameter

Good To Go!!!!

Now you can use this forge component in your application.


File conversion can be used to make files compatible with different software and operating systems. This would make sharing and storing easy. This is particularly useful for long-term preservation of digital assets, as file formats can become obsolete over time. This can also be used to convert files into formats that are more easily editable.