This component contains a JavaScript utility to be used to check the type of a character based on 3 specific types: number, text and special. They will be evaluated as:
number: 1234567890
special: !"#$%&()*,./:;?@[\]^_`´{|}~+<=>
If the character is not in this list, the function will not return any value.
(Function) CharType
It receives the character via parameter and classifies it as a number, text or special, according to the predefined types.
ParametersCaracter: Text. Mandatory.LetterOrDescription: Boolean. Optional (default: False)OutputCaracterType: Type: Text.
CharType(“7”) -> CaracterType: “n”CharType(“7”,true) -> CaracterType: “number”
CharType(“a”) -> CaracterType: “t”CharType(“a”,true) -> CaracterType: “text”
CharType(“!”) -> CaracterType: “s”CharType(“!”,true) -> CaracterType: “special”