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what3words Connector

Stable version 1.0.1 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 26 Jan by 
 (0 ratings)

what3words Connector


Installation of the component

To install what3words Connector and use it in your project, you just need to follow the steps below:

  1. Install the component from the OutSystems Forge.
  2. Add a dependency to the module called “what3words_IS”.
  3. Check all server actions you want to use.
  4. Click on “Apply”.


For all Server Actions you need to authenticate with your API key passed in the input parameter “XApiKey”.

Create an API Key

If you already have an API key you can skip this paragraph. Otherwise, please first generate one:

  1. Go to and click the button “Get an API Key”.
  2. Choose the plan of your liking.
  3. Sign up or log in via your preferred method.
  4. Accept the terms and conditions.
  5. Optionally type in your company and industry information.
  6. In step “Create an API Key” fill in a name (e.g. OutSystems Connector) and a brief description of your project and click “Generate API Key”.

Demo App

If you want to see the what3words Connector in action and learn more on how to use the integration service’s server actions, you can also install the demo app from the forge. This demo app needs your API key, so please make sure to configure the Site Property “APIKey” accordingly.

Since version 1.0.1, the site property has been changed to be secure. The value may need to be re-entered after the update.

Server Actions

The integration service provides the following server actions which connect to the API and return the received results.

  • What3words_AutoSuggest
    can take a slightly incorrect 3-word-address and suggest a list of valid 3-word-addresses. It has powerful features that can, for example, optionally limit results to a country or area, and prioritize results that are near the user.
  • What3words_ConvertToCoordinates
    convert a 3-word-address to a latitude and longitude. It also returns country, the bounds of the grid square, a nearest place (such as a local town) and a link to their map site.
  • What3words_ConvertToCoordinates_GeoJSON
    same as What3words_ConvertToCoordinates but data is returned as text in GeoJSON format.
  • What3words_ConvertToThreeWordAddress
    converts a latitude and longitude to a 3-word-address, in the language of your choice. It also returns country, the bounds of the grid square, a nearby place (such as a local town) and a link to our map site.
  • What3words_ConvertToThreeWordAddress_GeoJSON
    same as ConvertToThreeWordAddress but data is returned as text in GeoJSON format.
  • What3words_GetAvailableLanguages
    retrieves a list of all available 3-word-address languages, including the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 2-letter-code, English name and native name.
  • What3words_GetGridSection
    returns a section of the 3m x 3m what3words grid for a bounding box. The bounding box is specified by lat, lng, lat, lng as south, west, north, east.
  • What3words_GetGridSection_GeoJSON
    same as What3words_GetGridSection but data is returned as text in GeoJSON format.