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HTML Utils

Stable version 1.0.1 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10 and Older
 on 21 June 2021
 (9 ratings)

HTML Utils


HtmlUtils is an Outsystems component available on the forge for your Traditional Web Application. It is an extension with 5 actions that have many functionalities:

  • DecodeURL (Returns a string with all non-alphanumeric characters decoded)
  • GetURIParts (Provides access to the various parts of an URI. Only works with absolute URIs)
  • HtmlToText (Removes tags from an HTML string, producing a clean text version of the input)
  • LinkifyText (Detects all URLs in a piece of text, and turns them into the appropriate anchor tags)
  • TrimHtml (Trims an HTML string closing all the tags.)


1. Download the component and manage your dependencies

Download and install the component in your desired environment. Manage your dependencies on your desired module. You should have available at your disposal five server actions.

Five server actions available

2. Use these actions on your flows

With the five actions available, you can use them on standard OutSystems flows on-screen actions, some of them could also be used in expressions because they have the function property set to yes.

Example of a flow using a server action provided by the component (DecodeURL)