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IOS App Tracking Plugin

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 14 December 2022
 (2 ratings)

IOS App Tracking Plugin


Plugin to overcome the requirements set for Apple's App Tracking Transparency, with three client actions:

  1. CheckAppTrackingPlugin: Retrieves a boolean with information about whether Cordova and the IDFA plugin are loaded or not.
  2. RequestAppTrackingPermission: Retrieves a boolean with information whether the AppTracking Pop-Up was opened (for devices iOS > 14.5), and another boolean about whether the user has given AppTracking permission.
  3. GetAppTrackingPermissionResponse: Retrieves a boolean with information about whether the user has given AppTracking permission.

Plugin based on the cordova's IDFA Plugin and the forge's Adversiting ID Plugin implementation, with added functionality.
In the Demo app, you will also see the Extensibility Configuration JSON to configure a custom message to appear on the Pop-Up, for the property "NSUserTrackingUsageDescription", which Apple usually asks for in order for the user to know what the data will be used for.