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Azure Cognitive Services Connector

Stable version 2.17.4 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10
 on 12 January 2021
 (26 ratings)

Azure Cognitive Services Connector


How to use this connector?

  1. Create a Microsoft Azure account and go to the Microsoft Azure Portal.

  1. Create a resource group in the Azure Portal or select an existing one. This resource group will contain all the related resources for an Azure solution.

  1. Add the resources for the cognitive services needed to use this connector in the resource group. Learn how to create Cognitive Services resources.

  1. Each created resource has a subscription key. In Service Center, set the provided keys in the Site Properties of the Azure Cognitive Services Connector.

  2. In the Integrations tab of the relevant eSpace detail page, enter the URL obtained from the Azure Portal in the Effective URL textbox of the respective API.

Known limitations

This connector does not use all the services provided by Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services.