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Simple Reports PDF

Stable version 5.3.8 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10 and Older
Uploaded on 30 June 2021 by 
 (32 ratings)

Simple Reports PDF


  • PageA4_Portrait:
    • Main Layout web block to print pages. It must be the only web block on your page design
  • HTML_Container:
    • If you need to print HTML inside your page, please use this web block container. It is not mandatory, you can you an expression directly.
  • PageNumber:
    • Use inside your template to print the current page number (Usually inside header or footer)
  • TotalPages:
    • Use inside your template to print the total page number (Usually inside header or footer)
  • PageBreak:
    • To force a page break between elements, use this web block where you want to break



  • Header
    • All element inside this area will be repeated on every page
    • Use web blocks as PageNumber or TotalPages here to be printed the current page or total page number
  • Content:
    • All your print content must be put inside this area
    • The script will auto calculate the breaks and split this content among the pages
    • Content Height will be auto calculated by the formula: 
      • Page Height - Header Height - Footer Height - 20px
  • Footer:
    • All element inside this area will be repeated on every page
    • Use web blocks as PageNumber or TotalPages here to be printed the current page or total page number


  • ShowPrintMenu:
    • Show print header with page navigation + browser print button
  • ShowExportPDF:
    • Show a Fake button to trigger a notify event when is clicked (to be implemented by dev outside the component, because server side action to generate PDF + download should be done with other components as Html2PDF or UltimatePDF
    • *Demo project has an example with HTML2PDF


  • To be used with ExportPDF button, to trigger a call to the server to generate and force download the binary file