Description: Crops an image using a URI (file path).Input Parameters:
URI (Text) – Path of the image to crop.
Image_Width (Integer) – Desired width of the cropped image.
Image_Height (Integer) – The desired height of the cropped image.
Is_AllowRotate (Boolean) – Enable or disable rotation.
Is_keepCropAspectRatio (Boolean) – Maintain aspect ratio if True.
Is_showCropGrid (Boolean) – Show crop grid overlay.
CropperTitle (Text) – Custom title for the cropping dialog.
Output Parameters:
Is_Success (Boolean) – True if cropping was successful.
OutURI (Text) – URI of the cropped image.
Description: Crops an image using binary data instead of URI.Input Parameters:
Image (Binary) – Image data to be cropped.
Image_Width (Integer) – Desired width.
Image_Height (Integer) – Desired height.
Is_AllowRotate (Boolean) – Enable rotation.
Is_keepCropAspectRatio (Boolean) – Maintain aspect ratio.
Is_showCropGrid (Boolean) – Display crop grid.
CropperTitle (Text) – Title for the crop interface.
OutImage (Binary) – Cropped image as binary data.
Is_Success (Boolean) – True if successful.
Description: Check if the CordovaCropper plugin is available on the device.Output Parameters:
Is_Available (Boolean) – True if the plugin is installed and functional.
ErrorStruct (Structure) – Contains error details if the plugin is missing.
Wrapper plugin for Crop Images on mobile devices. Contains Different necessary actions for freehand cropping of images. Irrespective of compromising image quality.
Contains Three Actions :
1) CropImageWithImageURI :- For cropping the image by the path and returning the path of the image.
2) ImageCrop:- for cropping images by binary data and returning binary data.
3) Is_Available: for checking component is available or not.