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SVG Utilities

Stable version 1.0.3 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 13 December 2024
SVG Utilities Team
 (1 rating)

SVG Utilities


This extension provides Actions for generating SVG markup and convert SVG images.

Convert to SVG Markup

This extension provides two methods for generating SVG markup:

  1. GenerateSVGMarkupFromBinaryData
    • Accepts binary data as input.
  2. GenerateSVGMarkupFromFilePath
    • Accepts a file path as input.

Useful when combined with the InlineSVG widget from OutSystems UI

Convert SVG to PNG

The extension also provides methods for converting SVG images to PNG format:

  1. SVGToPNGFromBinaryData
    • Accepts binary data as input.
  2. SVGToPNGFromFilePath
    • Accepts a file path as input.

These functions are useful for rendering or exporting SVG images in PNG format.


Inline SVG widget in OutSystems takes SVG markup as input(string) to render the SVG image. In case the image is uploaded to a database or file system, the stored image needs to be converted to SVG markup for rendering in browser. This extension is useful in such cases. 

This extension provides two methods to generate the markup.

1. GeneraterSvgMarkupFromBinaryData 

2. GeneraterSvgMarkupFromFilePath

The first method takes binary data as input and the second method takes file path as input. Result of both the methods will contain SVG markup and error details(if any)

New Functions Provided to convert SVG to PNG

 1. SvgToPNGFromBinaryData

 2. SvgToPNGFromFilePath


Inline SVG widget in OutSystems takes SVG markup as input(string) to render the SVG image. In case the image is uploaded to a database or file system, the stored image needs to be converted to SVG markup for rendering in browser. This extension is useful in such cases. 

This extension provides two methods to generate the markup.

1. GeneraterSvgMarkupFromBinaryData and

2. GeneraterSvgMarkupFromFilePath

The first method takes binary data as input and the second method takes file path as input. Result of both the methods will contain SVG markup and error details(if any)