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Google Chart Gallery

Stable version 1.0.1 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 28 September 2022
 (2 ratings)

Google Chart Gallery


This Component is based on the Google Chart library and can be extended with their javascript/API to cover other available charts.

Users can easily switch between the dark and light modes available in the component with just a click shown below.

Configure the chart advanced options available very easily without even digging more in the google chart library, Just assign/feed the values in the respective Outsystems structure as shown below and you will be ready with your advanced chart.

Users can also use the given feature of Color Palette to customize or select any available palettes for the chats, with the click of a single button user can customize or select the color palette as shown below.

The component includes:

  • Bubble chart
  • Calendar chart
  • Candlestick chart
  • Combo chart
  • Gantt chart
  • Geo chart
  • Sankey chart
  • Treemap chart
  • Trendline chart
  • WordTreeExplicit chart
  • WordTreeImplicit chart