Amazon Translate is a text translation service that uses advanced machine learning technologies to provide high-quality translation on demand. You can use Amazon Translate to translate unstructured text documents or to build applications that work in multiple languages.
Amazon Translate provides translation between a source language (the input language) and a target language (the output language). A source language-target language combination is known as a language pair.
To use this connector you must have:
An AWS account, so you can use Amazon Translate
An AWS access key (access key ID and secret access key)
See the AWS documentation for detailed information and instructions on getting started, developing, and working with Amazon Translate.
Once you have those, make sure to configure the connector to use them in the authentication.
To configure your connector to access Amazon Translate, you need the following information:
The access key ID of your AWS access key
The secret access key of your AWS access key
The AWS Region of the service endpoint to which you want to connect. To reduce latency, choose a region close to your application server. See the API documentation for the list of region Names.
Use the above authentication information to fill in the AWSCredentials parameters in all of the public actions available in the AmazonTranslate_IS module. The parameters are:
Each time you run an action from the connector, authentication in Amazon Translate follows this logic:
If the AWSCredentials input parameter is passed (this parameter is mandatory), the parameter values are used to authenticate.
If the values in the AWSCredentials input parameter are not set or don’t carry the correct credentials, the exception “Invalid credentials to Amazon Translate service." occurs.
With this design, you have the flexibility to define a set of AWS credentials for specific actions.
On your app, add AmazonTranslate_IS as a dependency and choose the actions you want to use.
The available actions are:
To do real-time translations:
TranslateText - Translates input text from the source language to the target language. It’s designed for interactive applications that work on one document at a time.
Tailor your translations with custom terminology. You can use this to specify how specific terms are translated, such as brand names.
DeleteTerminology - Deletes a custom terminology.
GetTerminology - Retrieves a custom terminology.
ImportTerminology - Creates or updates custom terminology.
ListTerminologies - Provides a list of custom terminologies associated with your account.
To translate text in batch asynchronously:
DescribeTextTranslationJob - Provides detailed information about a batch text translation job.
ListTextTranslationJobs - Lists all submitted asynchronous text translation operations.
StartTextTranslationJob - Start translating text asynchronously in batch.
StopTextTranslationJob - Stops a running batch text translation operation.
To customize translations with parallel data. You can add parallel data to Amazon Translate to customize the output of your batch translations jobs.
CreateParallelData - Creates a parallel data resource in Amazon Translate by importing an input file from Amazon S3.
DeleteParallelData - Deletes a parallel data resource in Amazon Translate.
GetParallelData - Provides information about a parallel data resource.
ListParallelData - Provides a list of your parallel data resources in Amazon Translate.
UpdateParallelData - Updates a previously created parallel data resource by importing a new input file from Amazon S3.
For a list of available languages and language codes, see Supported Languages and Language Codes.
This component is based on the AWS SDK for .NET v3.