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Adobe IMS Token Exchange

Stable version 1.0.3 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 05 May 2023 by 
 (2 ratings)

Adobe IMS Token Exchange


Adobe Identity Management Service is Adobe’s OAuth 2.0-based identity management feature that supports authentication. Various Adobe cloud services support authentication via IMS including Adobe PDF-Services for which this component was created initially.

Using Adobe IMS you exchange your Adobe service credentials for an access token. That access token can then be used with the services you specified as metascopes.

What you need

From Adobe.IO developer console you need the following information of your service account credentials

  • Client Id
  • Client Secret
  • Organization Id
  • Technical Account Id

You also need the private key which you downloaded when you initially created the credentials

To create an access token use the Adobe_TokenExchange server action from the AIO_IMSTokenExchange_IS module.

  • Assign values to the TokenExchangeRec input parameter
  • The Metascopes property is a list of Metascope Identifier - a static entity in the same module. Metascopes tell IMS for which Adobe services you request access. To use Adobe PDF-Services add Entities.Metascope.DC to the list of metascopes.
  • Set the ExpiresOn to short date time in the future when the exchanged access token will expire. Something like AddMinutes(CurrDateTime(),30)
  • For the PrivateKey make sure that you copy the whole content of your key file to the property.

If successful, the server action returns IsSucces as true along with a Result object containing the AccessToken. This AccessToken together with your Client Id is needed to execute other operations on Adobe Cloud.

The demo application shows how to exchange your credentials for an access token.