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Viewer for BPMN Parser

Stable version 1.0.6 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 24 September 2022
Team Nexllence
 (1 rating)

Viewer for BPMN Parser


The Viewer for BPMN Parser Forge Component was updated to version 1.0.6.

On this new version, you will find:

  • Updated references for Outsystems UI version 2.11.0
  • The Demo package references were also updated for Outsystems UI version 2.11.0

No changes were made to the widgets available.


The Viewer for BPMN Parser Forge Component was updated to version 1.0.5.

On this new version, you will find:

  • Updated references for Outsystems UI version 2.10.0
  • A Demo package is now included on the Forge Component

No changes were made to the widgets available.


This component renders the output of the BPMN Parser component, available on https://www.outsystems.com/forge/Component_Overview.aspx?ProjectId=12164

It exposes a Block with a list of Processes and a canvas with the BPMN file parsed by the BPMN Parser component mentioned above.

The canvas has zoom capabilities, is clickable on the BPMN artifacts parsed, and triggers an event when that click is performed.

The JSON displayed on the demo was done using the Forge Component Render Json Reactive (thank you, João Melo), available on https://www.outsystems.com/forge/component-overview/8238/render-json-reactive 

This implementation is based on the output of the Bizagi Modeler:


For more information on the BPMN rules and notation:
