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Medicine Verification QR Code Parser

Stable version 1.0.2 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 15 January 2022
Team Nexllence
 (2 ratings)

Medicine Verification QR Code Parser


This component parses a QR Code used by the the Pharmaceutical industry on some critical medicines.

It can be used to validate the medicine, through parsing this QR Code on its individual components, and therefore be able to validate them accordingly.

The QR Code rules are as follows:

  • Always starts with an asterisc (*)
  • Always ends with an asterisc (*)
  • GTIN - starts after the prefix 01 and has 14 digits
  • Lot Number - starts after the prefix 21 and has up to 20 characters, ending with an asterisc (*)
  • Expiration Date - starts after the prefix 17 and has 6 digits (format YYMMDD)
  • Serial Number - starts after the prefix 21 and has up to 20 characters, ending with an asterisc (*)
  • National Code - starts after the prefix 71 and has variable lengthm ending with an asterisc (*)

The parsing routine forces the day of the Expiration Date to be the last day of the month for the date, if it's parsed as 00.

An example of a QR Code:


For more information, please refer to the European Medicines Verification Organization website: