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Agile.Now Factory

Stable version 2.3.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 29 September 2023
 (13 ratings)

Agile.Now Factory


Steps to get you up and running

Please make sure you read and follow along with the listed pages in order to get Agile.Now running in the quickest time possible

  1. Check System Requirements: System requirements
  2. Install Agile.Now Solution on LifeTime: Install Agile.Now in your OutSystems Environments
  3. Create a LifeTime Token: Create a LifeTime Service Account with Token
  4. Add at least one named user to a LifeTime Team: Manage users and applications in Teams
  5. Configure Agile.Now with an Admin User: Register your Agile.Now

Agile.Now DevOps helps automate the process pertaining to the principles of CI/CD in a single project or multiple projects running on the OutSystems platform.

System information

The minimum system requirements for setting up Agile.Now DevOps:

  • OutSystems Platform Server version 11.9.1 on the cloud or on-premise
  • OutSystems Platform Lifetime version 11.8.0 with the following infrastructure.
    • Development Environment 
    • Quality Environment
    • Production Environment
  • OutSystems Platform Server with MS SQL Server 2016 onwards

Lifetime environment

It is recommended to install the Agile.Now DevOps in the Lifetime environment.

Development, testing and user acceptance environment

The Probe is an application that has to be installed in the dev, test and UAT environments. The Probe application provides the API interface and Agile.Now Devops use this interface when it needs information from the server. It is recommended that the Agile.Now Probe installation be performed on all environments(dev, test and UAT). The data such as unit tests, home application, module information, etc is imported into the management console using the Agile.Now Probe application.

Agile.Now Documentation

Want to learn more about what Agile.Now can do for you? Here you can find more details and how-to content to see how we can fulfill your needs.

Getting started

Contact information or web site


eSystems Nordic Oy -

User manual

Knowledge base inside of application or support portal