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Microsoft Graph API

Stable version 1.1.4 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 27 September 2022
 (0 ratings)

Microsoft Graph API


Configuring Azure:

You will need to create an application registration in Azure to use the authentication credentials and access the Microsoft Graphs API.

After creating the record you will need the data below:

  • Application ID 
    • it will look like this "13fa02d0-e2c9-4673-8847-fc82134076d4"
  • Client Secret
    • Copy the key at the time of generation, as you will need this information and then there is no way to copy it 
  • Add these permissions to the API to be able to Read Emails, if you need any more permissions, consult the documentation
  • Redirect URIs
    • for your outsystems environment you will need to replace where you have <environment> for your environment's DNS "https://<environment>/MicrosoftGraphAPI/rest/GraphURI/SetCodeAuthorization" this you will do for all environments until production.

Configuring Microsoft Graph API (Component)

After performing the settings in Azure, you will need to configure in the Microsoft Graph API (Component)

  • Open ServiceCenter > Factory > Modules Search for MicrosoftGraphAPI
  • After searching, open the MicrosoftGraphAPI module and go to Site Properties
  • After opening the Site Properties list, you will need to fill in the following data with the information generated in Azure:
    • AppAplicationId   = Application ID in Azure
    • AppClientSecret  = Previously Generated Client Secret
    • AppTenant           = Application Tenant ID in Azure
    • AuthRedirectURI = Same redirect URI created in Azure
    • AuthScope          = Add all configured permissions in Azure ex: "offline_access Mail.Read User.Read"
    • AuthState            = Generate a random hash and put it in this field