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Enterprise Manager

Stable version 6.0.6
 on 21 February 2013
 (13 ratings)

Enterprise Manager

With the release of OutSystems Agile Platform 7.0, Enterprise Manager is discontinued and the support for it is no longer provided in this and future versions.
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With the release of OutSystems Agile Platform 7.0, Enterprise Manager is discontinued and the support for it is no longer provided in this and future versions.

Enterprise Manager is a back-office portal that centralizes all common administration tasks such as users, roles and the existing applications’ back-offices.

By integrating every existing application back-office within Enterprise Manager, you will have a centralized way to manage users and one single entry point to administer every specific application.

Feature List
  • Integrates the management of all applications in the organization in a centralized backoffice;
  • Unified Login, allowing Single Sign On in all applications:
    • Local authentication,
    • LDAP authentication,
    • Integrated authentication (In this mode, the system will automatically authenticate the user using the Windows account information (Windows Authentication).
  • Centralizes user management (user relations, user roles, user privileges, roles delegations);
  • Provides global settings management;
  • Centralizes organization hierarchy management;
  • Provides functional groups management;
  • Provides organizational information to interfacing applications;
  • Provides centralized locations management, like regions, countries or cities;
  • Audits all user operations;
  • Provides reusable widgets and UI patterns (in RichWidgets eSpace):
    • Widget to merge cells of edit and show records (forms),
    • Widget to expand and collapse containers (divs),
    • Widget to make containers (divs) have round corners,
    • Widget to auto show a "Please wait" message in long Ajax calls,
    • Widget to display a feedback message to users which appears from the top of the web page,
    • Widget to display a ? icon that when hovered shows a help message,
    • Widget to display a "Need Help" label and a ? icon that when hovered shows a help message,
    • Widget to enhance input widgets with autocomplete,
    • Widget to enhance input widgets with a calendar picker,
    • Widget to set the focus to a chosen input widget when the screen loads,
    • Widget to set a prompt gray text of a chosen input widget when it is empty,
    • Widget to enhance a table records with the multiple rows selection pattern (with a checkbox per row),
    • Widget to show the number of records in a table record (e.g. 51 to 100 of 2345 records),
    • Widget to enhance a table records (list) with the "late load" pattern,
    • Widget to enhance a table records (list) with the move rows up and down pattern,
    • Widget to enhance a table records (list) with the pagination and navigation pattern,
    • Widget to enhance a table records (list) with the order pattern per column,
    • Widget to highlight the selected menu,
    • Widget to open an Ajax pop-up edit window when clicking a link,
    • Widget to show an Ajax pop-up balloon when hovering a link,
    • Widget to display content in horizontal tabs.
  • Provides data handling APIs (in BinaryData Extension):
    • Get the size in bytes of a binary content,
    • Read a text file using a given encoding,
    • Convert text to binary content using a given encoding,
    • Convert binary data from one encoding to another,
    • Compare two binary contents.
  • Provides text and regular expression handling APIs (in Text Extension):
    • Format dates,
    • Create, search, and replace text using regular expressions,
    • Join and split texts
    • Create and handle string builders
  • Provides cryptography APIs (in Crypto Extension):
    • Get the MD5 hash of a text,
    • Encrypt and decrypt a text using a password.
  • Provides HTTP extension APIs (in HTTPRequestHandler Extension):
    • Set page favicon,
    • Add headers to the HTTP responses,
    • Set the Last Modified Date HTTP header of responses,
    • Set the timeout, status code of HTTP responses,
    • Set the page title of the HTML of HTTP responses,
    • Set the base tag of the HTML of HTTP responses,
    • Add <script>, <meta>, and <link rel="stylesheet"> tags to the HTML of HTTP responses,
    • Get and set cookie values,
    • Get and manipulate the current HTTP request URL,
    • Create and encode URLs,
    • Build and submit GETs and POSTs to a given URL,
    • Get the Referal, User Agent, the remote client IP address, and the content of HTTP requests,
    • Get the value of a form field of an HTTP request,
    • Get the name of the physical page that corresponds to the current screen,
    • Get the extension of the physical page that corresponds to the current screen, e.g.: ".aspx" or ".jsf",
    • Get the session identifier of HTTP requests,
    • Get a list of the client language preferences,
    • Get the list of files submitted in HTTP requests,
    • Know if an HTTP request is an request,
    • Know if a request is being made via HTTPS.
  • Provides random APIs (in Random Extension):
    • Generate GUIDs
    • Generate random integers in a given interval
  • Provides date ticks APIs (in Ticks Extension):
    • Get the current date ticks

System Requirements and Limitations

  • 'Single Sign-On' between Enterprise Manager and cookieless eSpaces is not supported.
Release notes (6.0.6)
  • Fixed problem with Crypto Extension publication in Java (#485339)
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