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Simple Currency Input

Stable version 1.0.11 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10 and Older
 on 05 October 2019
 (14 ratings)

Simple Currency Input

Currency Input widget allow the values appears 234.004,21 € instead of 234004.21
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It's possible to define variables which caracter to use for the group and decimal separator, currency symbol (position left/right) and  the number of decimals.

Based on a version from: André Vieira


  • Number of decimal positions
  • Decimal separator character
  • Thousands separator character
  • The currency symbol to append to the value
  • Indicates if the currency symbol appears to the left or to the right of the value
  • Only allow numeric keys, decimal and thousands separator
  • Remove mask on focus or not...
  • Define the decimal separator (server side) to adjust with the same used by the plataform
  • Allow one 'Simple Currency Input'  widget for multiple text widget's.
Release notes (1.0.11)
  1. Upgraded to P11
  2. Separated component and demo app
  3. Upload as .oap
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